Cross Company Mentoring Program
A connected community of leaders committed to change
Members have access to a 9-month program ran by Moving Ahead. In the program organizations participate through putting forward female mentees (high potential women at all levels of the career pyramid from mid manager to Board cusp) and male female mentors (senior manager to Board Level). First round: June’21 -Feb’22 sponsored by Mastercard.
Moving Ahead Cross Company Mentoring Program: track record. 8 years, 239 organizations, 12,330 mentors and mentees, 31 countries, more than 30 sectors.

- Focuses on gender diversity in order to build and strengthen necessary pipelines and achieve parity of women in leadership and board roles
- The programe matches women from all levels mentors from another organization. Now entering its eighth year, in the UK, we are delighted to be launching this year in the US, Mexico and are in conversations with South Africa and Hong Kong
- The programe is a proven, practical and powerful way to achieve greater gender balance at senior levels within organizations, as well as delivering on gender pay gap reporting, and broader diversity and inclusion goals
- Core mentoring training will be delivered in Spanish, and events will include global speakers and films in English (with Spanish subtitles)
Investor Group
The Investor group brings together asset owners and asset managers, committed to the 30% Club goals for women participation in Boards and Senior Management.
The purpose of the Investor Group is to: (1) help coordinate the investment community’s approach to gender diversity with investees; (2) explain the investment case for more diverse boards and a floor of 30% women Board Representation; (3) encourage all investors to engage on the issue of board diversity with chairs and management teams; (3) to consider women when nominating independent supervisory board members (nonexecutive directors) (4) exercise our ownership rights, including voting and engagement, to effect change on company boards and within senior management teams.
change on company boards and within senior management teams.
“What gets measured gets managed”
The 30% club remains committed to using data to help drive change. The Bloomberg Gender Equality Reporting Framework and Gender Equality Index (GEI) allows corporations to track their progress towards equality in the workplace in order to manage effective change. Through public disclosure and comprehensive, transparent scoring, the companies reporting with the GEI have shown their commitment to progress.
Benefits for investors:
- Identify public companies that are committed to transparent reporting and addressing gender inequality.
- Communicate actively and efficiently best corporate governance practices among investee companies.
- Have access to D&I data from investee companies useful for investment decisions.
- Gain visibility to customers, employees and other stakeholders of your support to ESG in general and Gender in particular.
The members of the Investors Group in México are:
Afore siglo XXI Banorte, Operadora de Fondos Banorte, Santander Asset Management, Blackrock.
The purpose of the group is to share and develop the best practices that can be implemented across a range of firms and industries to develop gender balance in leadership by developing a toolkit adapted to Mexico.
It works around three pillars Corporate, Professional and Personal to enable members develop the skills required to foster confidence and competences. Institutions that participate with our chapter include: Mercer, CIMAD (IPADE), Mujeres en Finanzas, Ezentia, Grupo Expansión, Dalia Empower, EGADE.
EGADE offers two annual scholarships (50%) for their part time MBA program. Across the global network of the 30% Club there is a wide list of universities that offer these types of scholarships
- Dalia Empower provides tactical courses on negotiation, professional network, personal branding, master classes on demand where discounts apply for our members.
- The Boardlist enables with its platform to place our female candidates in US Boards that can be from a start up to a listed company. This alliance provides visibility to our talented pool of female candidates and strengthens our members’s through their endorsement.
- CIMAD (IPADE) has also a directory of women ready for boards to help them increase visibility and thus eligibility.
Member list:
Stanton Chase, Momlancers, MUUK, Ulead International.